Train the Trainer Project

An opportunity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous members of the community to become facilitators of their local Indigenous learning facilitation team.

Indigenous learning resource was developed to provide knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal people, society, and culture from a generic and Indigenous standpoint perspective through active learning pathways.

Glenn has been using the educational resource to facilitate Cultural Awareness and Safety Training through THE STORYTELLER presentations and workshops for up to twenty years.

Following on from prior successors of Indigenous Learning workshops we aim to
expand this program by offering opportunities for accreditation both in Cultural
Awareness and Safety Training as well as offering Indigenous participants the
opportunity to build their personal and work-related skills to enable them to deliver training within their own communities.

Through bringing the potential cultural trainers together into an active learning
environment we aim to enable them to develop skills to deliver ongoing programs
with long-term outcomes for cultural awareness and Safety Training but also to
establish Indigenous Economic Development through employment, education, and training within their own communities.