Educators - Additional Information
Culture, Curriculum, Performing Arts
You have been asked to develop a holistic understanding and knowledge base of an Aboriginal Traditional Language Group using THE STORYTELLER as an Indigenous learning tool.
THE STORYTELLER is your foundational framework which will guide you on your journey to unpacking the historical knowledge of your chosen language group. Each week you will be given a question and set of tasks which you will have to complete before you can move to the next stage.
Each stage will need to show an example of how the contemporary language group maintains a connection of their historical knowledge and connects to the next stage.
The four stages are:
- Physical and Geographical features
- Beliefs, values, and Practices
- Evidence
- Conservation
Each stage and example will build to a presentational outcome of your choice which incorporates all the information between and through each of the stages.
You will be expected to deliver a report each week of your research into the stages, to be collated into a portfolio.
The final presentation will be the equivalent of 20 minutes and is an overview and summary of your knowledge and understanding.
To prepare, you need to complete three major tasks:
- Weekly question and tasks
- Example which connects the stages
- Presentation and portfolio
You might want to allocate the three tasks to different members of your group.
Overall Learning Intention
To investigate and describe historical knowledge of an Aboriginal Traditional Language Group through the lens of THE STORYTELLER.
Incorporating, culture, curriculum and performing arts such as music, dance, drama and visual arts
All information is correct at the time of publication. reserves the right to alter or delete items from the calendar as required, and takes no responsibility for any errors, omissions and changes.
All workshop resources including copies of the presentation, along with all supporting documents and links are not for distribution and are the property of the presenter.